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제출할 항목
- 테스트_1번* 문서 번역 (필수)
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- 테스트_2번** 문서 번역 (선택: 혹시 프로그래밍 이외, 즉 SW 테스팅, SW 일반 등에 대한 번역에도 관심이 있는 경우에만)
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* 테스트_1번 (필수)
참여하게 되면 바로 착수할 도서의 일부입니다. 전체 549쪽 분량 중 274쪽 까지만 번역된 상태입니다. 그 중 아직 번역되지 않은 부분에서 발췌 했습니다. (초벌 번역은 구글 번역을 사용하고, 그것을 검증하고 다듬는 방식으로 작업했습니다). 이미 번역된 274쪽 까지의 한글 번역이 궁금하다면 이 링크에서 받을 수 있습니다: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1apoproa90nR2gMkJj08V_fly70bYrr01/view
The published Access Specifier
Along with the public, protected, and private access directives (and the less commonly used strict private and strict protected), the Object Pascal language has another very peculiar one, called published. A published property (or field or method) is not only available at runtime like a public one, but it generates extended runtime type information (RTTI) that can be queried.
In a compiled language, in fact, the compiled symbols are processed by the compiler and can be used by the debugger while testing the application, but generally leave no track at runtime. In other words (at least in the early times of Object Pascal), if a class has a property called Name you can use it in your code to interact with the class, but that interaction is translated into numerical addresses and the source-level concept of an identifier is lost at run-time meaning that there is no way to figure out if a class has a property identifier matching a given string, such as “Name.”
Both the Java and the C# languages are compiled languages that take advantage of a complex virtual execution environment and for this reason they have extensive run-time information through a concept called reflection. The Object Pascal language had basic reflection (via the published keyword) since the early days and before other compiled languages, and alter introduced a more with reflection or extended RTTI. Basic RTTI tied to the published keyword is explored in this chapter while extended reflection in Chapter 16.
** 테스트_2번 (선택)
프로그래밍 이외, SW 테스팅 등 데브기어에서 취급하는 SW 전문가용 기타 솔루션에 대한 번역에도 “혹시” 관심이 있다면 아래 내용도 번역해서 보내주세요.
If you are the QA manager, it is very likely that people will assume you are the expert on all things testing-related. Other team members will have their own views on testing. Some may even have more experience than you. Expectations of testing are often unrealistic. There may be people who doubt your competence, value to the team, or even your motivations. It can be tough.
In your career, you will have to adapt to new and changing circumstances. You will encounter business and senior project stakeholders. You will be joining teams of various sizes with different people in them who have widely varying backgrounds. In your role, you may be running a large team, providing oversight to the testing in a project, advising an Agile team, or figuring out how testing fits into a continuous delivery process.
Before we start using terms like testing, stakeholder, and stakeholder goals, let’s be clear about what we’re talking about.
Definition of “Test”
The word test is used as a noun and as a verb. It’s about testing as an activity and the outcome of that activity. It’s about the people or organizations who commission that activity and those who use the results. It’s very much about the people who call themselves testers and the complex systems on which we work.
To talk about context-neutral testing we’ll need a definition of the word “test” that is contextneutral. The definition from the American Heritage Dictionary conveys the multiple ways that we can talk about testing well:
Test: (noun) a procedure for critical evaluation; a means of determining the presence, quality, or truth of something; a trial.